Financial needs and dreams change as life unfolds
WIN profiles help you identify and focus on what's important to you now and in the future
Your career or business is a key element of who you are. Your concerns may include growing your business, maximizing benefits such as stock options, investing for the future, tax efficiency, and income and asset protection. You may need to manage fluctuating cash flow or wish to plan a legacy. Balancing the many facets of your exceptional life necessitates time-effective decision-making. We're here with on-demand personalized guidance and relevant knowledge to enable quick and easy better decisions.
You’re balancing the needs of two other generations with your own. Your concerns include long-term care, college funding and everything in-between. Women are increasingly responsible for managing wealth - $70 trillion by 2020. You need to be prepared and supported with knowledge, tools and a plan. Having the Money Talk early will benefit everyone. We're here with tools to help you quickly and easily make smart financial decisions for all the important people in your life.
Considering or completing a divorce creates special financial needs and considerations. Starting a new chapter, you need to know if your lifestyle will change, to re-evaluate your financial goals and to reinvest your assets to maximize growth. Your concerns may include achieving an equitable financial settlement, the tax implications of child and spousal support, securing pension distributions and social security benefits, and properly re-titling account and assets.
You’re balancing your family’s current financial needs with saving for both college and retirement. Concerns include selecting the right amount and account for education and retirement savings, maximizing the growth of assets, and your trust and estate plan. Our Goal-Planner tool enables you to visualize the impact of trade-offs so you can make the best-informed decision toward achievement of all of your goals.
Starting Out
You are focused on building your business or career. Perhaps you need to balance paying off a student loan and meeting current needs with saving and investing for future goals – a first home, business, building a family, and retirement. You are committed to participating in a 401(k) or pension plan but are unsure how to select investments and maximize any employer match. New personal and business relationships present unfamiliar financial issues. Guidance on balancing responsibilities with investing would be of value.
You're sharing your life with a partner. You're part of a team. Your concerns may include how to best organize your separate and joint accounts and assets and plan for the future. Respecting each partners' unique needs, financial mindset and dreams, you may be determining how and when you can afford to buy a home, take a leave to start or care for a family, launch a business, and pursue shared and individual financial goals.
You earned your retirement. Ensuring your wealth will last your lifetime is a key concern. Approaching retirement you may wonder from where your income will come, how to prioritize withdrawals from retirement and investment accounts, and how to best manage spending, saving and investing to meet your current needs and future goals. You may also be focused on maximizing the value of your legacy, minimizing estate tax, and gifting during your lifetime.
Giving Back
You have done well and are committed to doing good. Actively engaged in philanthropy, a key concern is protecting your wealth and ensuring your legacy. You may be concerned about managing family finances in the event of the loss of a partner or protecting family assets in a marriage or divorce. Ensuring quality health care, maximizing the impact of your gifts, and creating a financial life plan that provides both for you to maintain your quality of life into retirement are primary goals.
Free Spirit
You're focused on living life today, but also want to have all you need to live the life you want in the future. Understanding opportunity costs is key to deciding how much to spend, save, and invest. Planning for the unexpected is key to ensuring you have the means for the life you want. Knowing the right steps to take given your personal wants and needs is the key to achieving your financial goals and the life you want.