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How to make a Pre-Nup Romantic . . . compare it to state law deciding your financial fate in a divo

Bottom Line: If you do not put a legal agreement in place setting forth your wishes, state law will dictate your financial fate in a divorce.

Concerned the government does not represent your values?

Before you say "yes to the dress" say "yes" to a pre-nuptial agreement.

Most couples are unaware that by default their marriage and divorce is governed by state law, and those state laws may not reflect your personal values or intentions with respect to your financial obligations, needs and goals.

Action Plan:

1. Open a bottle of wine, beer or vodka and write down your financial obligations, needs and goals on a sheet of paper.

2. Switch sheets with your partner. Drink.

3. A few questions to help put things into perspective:

- I expect to put my entire paycheck into our joint account. Yes / No

- I expect to take 6 months, 2 years, life off from work when we have a child.

- I expect to share equally both the financial success and failure of my start-up.

- I want to have 1/3 of my paycheck for my own needs.

- If I won a million dollars tomorrow I would ....

- I think we should have joint bank accounts, separate accounts, a few of each.

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ning and digital money management tools, and custom investment management accessible on one dashboard 24/7. To advance her mission, Stacy & her daughter also volunteer teach girls in less developed countries, most recently in India. Stacy is an avid athlete, enjoys swing & cardio dance, and is a repeat visitor to the art museums and opera houses of the world. For the moment her love of international travel is trumped by visits to her daughter at college. 


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